Building Tokenized staking for institutions

Northstake is transforming how regulated financial institutions stake digital assets in a secure and compliant way.
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digital asset custody

Northstake offers secure digital asset custody based on industry leading MPC technology for our institutional clients offering custody for 50+ blockchain networks

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Northstake's Team
Digital asset custody

secure digital asset custody

Staking is the key differentiator

safeguarding your Digital Assets

ISAE 3402 SOC 1 Type 1

External audit of system and organisational controls (SOC) conducted by independent third-parties


Industry leading and insured MPC (WaaS) technology and fully segregated wallet architecture with bankruptcy protection

regulated custodian

Northstake is a Virtual Asset Service Provider (VASP) and regulated under EU Markets in Crypto Asset (MiCA) and Virtual Assets Regulatory Authority (VARA) in UAE.

Governance controls

Configure governance rules, signing ceremonies, organisations and roles integrating governance controls and workflows.

regulated defi products

Discover decentralized finance products, strategies and exchange traded products through our regulated counterparties.

Regulatory compliant staking

Access OFAC and AML compliant staking with IAS compliant staking reporting.

secure and compliant crypto custody and staking

secure digital asset custody for +50 assets